November 14, 2022
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Event sponsored by:
Office of Global Affairs
Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI)
School of Medicine (SOM)
Hal Matthews
The past 50 years have seen unprecedented progress toward improving the health and wellbeing of the world's poorest citizens. Yet many forces -- from climate change to growing nationalism to the emergence of new infectious diseases such as COVID-19 - threaten these hard-fought gains. Is the promise of universal access to health in danger? Dr. Gene Washington, Duke's chancellor for health affairs and president and CEO of the Duke University Health System, will explore the challenges facing global health with Dr. Chris Beyrer, the new director of the Duke Global Health Institute and an internationally recognized epidemiologist who has worked on the frontlines of HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 treatment and research.
Hors d'oeuvres and drinks at the bar will be served.
Duke at Home in the World