Duke Center for Health Informatics: Mapping the Landscape For Pain and Opioid Health Data

February 15, 2023
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Event sponsored by:

School of Medicine (SOM)
Duke Center for Health Informatics


Johnstone, Jessica



Meredith C. B. Adams, MD, MS

Feb 15 Recording

Seminar Abstract: This seminar will cover an overview of the current state of pain and opioid health data organization, several different use cases and formats, and developing pipelines for several NIH HEAL projects.

Instructor Biosketch: Meredith Adams, MD, MS, FASA, FAMIA is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Biomedical Informatics, Physiology & Pharmacology, and Public Health Sciences at the Wake Forest School of Medicine. Her pain and opioid informatics research portfolio includes cloud computing, economic analysis, development of machine learning and artificial intelligence tools, data infrastructure support, data visualization, and health equity. Specifically, Dr. Adams' work includes a pain and opioid data infrastructure support center (HEAL NIDA U24), a cooperative grant with a focus on the economic impact of COVID-19/Long Covid on OUD (NIDA U01), and a NIDA HEAL Network IMPOWR (R24) coordination center with several administrative supplements for a combined chronic pain and OUD clinical trials network.

Informatics Research Seminars