The Crucial Role of Mentoring in Preserving Research Integrity

July 29, 2022
8:30 am to 10:00 am

Event sponsored by:

Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI)
Duke Office of Research Initiatives
Nicholas School of the Environment
Office for Research and Innovation
Office of Research Administration (ORA)
Office of Research Support (ORS)
Pratt School of Engineering
Sanford School of Public Policy
School of Medicine (SOM)
School of Nursing (SON)
Trinity College





Emilia Chiscop Head, PhD and Valery Nelson, MS
Join us for an interactive research integrity roundtable hosted by ASIST to discuss the role of mentoring in preserving research integrity. Attendees will analyze a case study in breakout rooms and repot back to the entire audience. After registration, all registrants will receive the zoom event details by email, one week and one day prior the event. The event is open to all Duke faculty & staff researchers and it fulfills the Collaborative RCR-200 requirement for Duke Faculty and Staff. REGISTER AT:

Research Integrity Roundtables