Event sponsored by:
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Neurology
School of Medicine (SOM)
Garrett, Angela![Joseph Geraci, PhD, MIRECC](https://calendar.duke.edu/images//2021/20211111/ff186ed26a8febf762aa70a96e31021c-CR-Calendar photo_Geraci_11.11.21_20211012031358PM.png)
Joseph Geraci, PhD, MIRECC
Sponsored by the Hans Lowenbach Memorial Fund
Dr. Geraci retired from the U.S. Army as an Infantry Lieutenant Colonel after serving for 20 years and deploying as a combat leader with elite Special Operations/Ranger, Airborne, and Infantry units to Afghanistan four different times since 9/11. While in uniform, he also served as an assistant professor at the U.S. Military Academy in both the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership and the Department of Military Instruction. One of his last positions in the U.S. Army was serving as an Infantry Battalion Commander in which he was directly responsible for the health, welfare, and combat readiness of his soldiers. He received his doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Teachers College at Columbia University. He teaches military psychology to graduate students at Teachers College, and was a co-founder of the college's Resilience Center for Veterans and Families. He serves within the VISN 2 MIRECC as a licensed psychologist and is focused on studying and developing interventions that mitigate the significant suicidal risks that our Modern Warriors (some of them being his former soldiers) face as they attempt to reintegrate back into their civilian communities after military service. Within the MIRECC, he leads two national VA programs (Veteran Cultural Competence training and the Expiration Term of Service Sponsorship program evaluation).
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Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds