The acronym PRIME-PREP beneath a circle of colorful figures enclosing a DNA helix and microscope


Duke Preparing Research scholars In bioMEdical sciences (PRIME) Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded program that offers a paid, immersive research experience at Duke University Medical School. Participants will conduct research in state-of-the-art facilities under the guidance of experienced mentors who are leading investigators in their field.

This one-year program also provides comprehensive professional development programming designed to strengthen professional skills crucial for success in research and graduate school. This experience is designed to prepare individuals for admission into a biomedical sciences PhD program.

Duke PRIME-PREP provides focused research training opportunities for students from backgrounds historically underrepresented in science and medicine. In this NIH-funded program, we work closely with recent post-baccalaureate students to provide them with the skills necessary to excel in graduate training programs in the life sciences. Our goal is to equip those with the desire and motivation to become the next generation of life science researchers with the credentials required to achieve this.

group photo of students in the PRIME-Prep Program