About Us
The DOCR Recruitment Team can help studies looking for potential participants or who need effort to screen, contact, and schedule for studies. They maintain and utilize the Duke Health Research Volunteer Registry.
Proactive Recruitment Planning
- Feasibility assessments
- Identify recruitment challenges based on protocol inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Consult/Assist with project recruitment plans and workflows
- Consult/Assist with creation of telephone scripts and email templates
Participant Identification and Scheduling
- Chart review
- SlicerDicer or DEDUCE cohort queries
- Telephone screens
- Schedule screening visits
- Use of the Duke Health Research Volunteer Registry
- Create potential subject target lists
- Send mass emails
ResearchMatch is an NIH-funded program that connects researchers with volunteers

interested in participating in research studies. Duke research teams can register their IRB-approved studies, search for and message de-identified volunteers, and notify volunteers who seem like a good fit for your study. If the volunteer agrees to receive more information about your study, you will be matched and permitted to recruit them to participate.
Click here to contact DOCR for more information about ResearchMatch.
Duke Health Research Volunteer Registry
The Duke Health Research Volunteer Registry originated in 2010. The purpose of the registry is to maintain a database of people interested in being contacted for research studies they may be eligible for at Duke. There are currently ~7,000 active registry participants, which includes both healthy volunteers and those with medical conditions. Information about current medical conditions, medications, and allergies are captured when participants enroll in the registry.
Research Volunteer Demographics