Will Bynum, Susan Hibbard, Nick Hudak, Betsy Melcher Among Duke AHEAD Grant Recipients


Four Duke Community & Family Medicine faculty members have been awarded grant funding through Duke AHEAD for three educational innovation projects. The faculty are:

  • Will Bynum, M.D., assistant professor of community and family medicine
  • Susan Hibbard, Ph.D., assistant professor of community and family medicine
  • Nick Hudak, MSEd, MPA, PA-C, associate professor of community and family medicine
  • Betsy Melcher, MS, ATC, MHS, PA-C, assistant professor of community and family medicine

Bynum is PI on the project "Assessing the feasibility and impact of a webinar-based shame resilience seminar for interprofessional healthcare learners," which was awarded $10,000. He is joined on the project by Hibbard and three other Duke colleagues.

Hudak is PI on the project "Teach More about Teams: A Professional Development Program to Promote Interprofessional Education in Clinical Settings," which was awarded $3,850. He is joined on the project by Bynum, Melcher and two other Duke colleagues.

Bynum and Hudak are also working alongside three other Duke colleagues on the project "App-Based Assessment of Trainee Wellness with a Wellness Fuel Tank," which was awarded $8,500.

About the Duke AHEAD Grants

This funding mechanism is intended to provide critical start up for pilot research or funding for innovative projects that will generate new evidence, new ideas, and/or new approaches for improving health professions education. Duke AHEAD's purpose is to support the vision, creativity, ingenuity, and scholarly works of the educators and educational researchers in the Duke AHEAD community.
