ADRC RFP for innovative neurodegeneration-related discovery research in Basic Brain Science
The Duke/UNC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center is pleased to announce a call for proposals for high risk/high impact, basic, discovery science relevant to neurodegeneration. Priority will be given to faculty in the Duke University School of Medicine researching basic neurobiology that has a plausible link to understanding neurodegeneration, including (but not limited to) Alzheimer’s Disease. This opportunity is made possible by a philanthropic gift to Duke University School of Medicine, and eligible applicants must have a faculty appointment at Duke.
Application deadline: Sep. 15th
Duke/UNC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Developmental projects (DP) Request for Applications
The goal of the ADRC developmental project program is to stimulate and support innovative, high potential lines of research related to our theme: to identify age-related changes across the lifespan that contribute to the development, progression, or experience of AD.
The research focus can be basic, translational, epidemiological, or clinical so long as it supports the ADRC’s mission and theme.
DP awardees may propose up to $100,000 per year in direct funding, depending on project needs. Candidates should be faculty, or an advanced fellow/postdoctoral student with clear plans for transition to faculty status. Candidates must hold an appropriate academic or clinical appointment at Duke University or UNC Chapel Hill by the award start-date of July 1, 2024
LOI due October 16, 2023
Duke-UNC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center REC Scholar Request for Applications 2023
The goal of the ADRC Research Education Component (REC) is to promote the development of future research leaders who are conducting basic, translational, or clinical AD+ADRD research within the focus area of age-related changes across the lifespan. The REC will award up to 4 REC Scholar awards annually, of 2-year duration. Candidates should be faculty within 3 years of their first faculty appointment, or an advanced fellow/postdoctoral student with clear plans for transition to faculty status. Candidates must hold an appropriate academic or clinical appointment at Duke University, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Pembroke, North Carolina Central University, or East Carolina University by the award start-date of July 1, 2024
Application deadline: November 30, 2023
The Ruth K. Broad Biomedical Research Foundation Inc., Ann B. Bussel Research Award RFA
The Ruth K. Broad Biomedical Research Foundation, Inc., a support corporation of Duke University, funds research in the neurosciences with a specific focus on investigation that may advance the knowledge, prevention, or treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. The Ann B. Bussel Research Award, funded by the Ruth K. Broad Biomedical Research Foundation, Inc., is named in honor of Ann B. Bussel, long-time board member of the Ruth K. Broad Biomedical Research Foundation, in recognition of her thirty-year commitment to funding and supporting creative research efforts directed at understanding and treating Alzheimer’s disease at Duke and at other research institutions. Eligibility: The grant will be awarded to a faculty member at Duke University or UNC Chapel Hill. Collaborations between investigators at any of these institutions are especially encouraged.