Where are you placed for this assignment?
I am working in the surgical intensive care unit at Duke University Hospital. This unit houses patients who have had recent surgeries and traumas, requiring complex medical needs and more direct nursing management. We often see patients from all surgical specialties- transplants, orthopedics, vascular, general, ENT, etc. We also see patients who have suffered significant traumas requiring surgical intervention and subsequent medical needs requiring intensive care.
What is the OT's role in this setting?
We are often the first team to mobilize patients after these significant surgeries/injuries. We are responsible for educating patients on how their post-op status might impact their movement and ADL participation. In the ICU, even something as simple as sitting in a recliner and brushing teeth is complicated by endless lines and leads, changes in cognitive status, decreased mobility, and severe post-operative pain.
What are you learning?
More than anything, I am learning what it means to meet patients where they are and to celebrate the little victories along this very long road as the entire care team works together to progress patients as closely as possible to their prior level of function. I am enjoying working with people at the onset of care.