Exploring a Future in Physical Therapy: Highlights from Duke DPT’s Open House


On January 3, the Duke Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program welcomed admitted students and their guests to campus for an admissions Open House.

Upon arrival at the Interprofessional Education (IPE) building, more than 65 admitted students and their guests mingled with faculty, staff, and students before being treated to brunch. Director of Admissions Richard Clendaniel, PT, PhD, FAPTA, welcomed the packed audience to the IPE Lecture and previewed the day's programming.

“We engage with prospective students for months, sometimes even years, before they apply to our program,” said Assistant Director of Admissions Jennifer Pennington. “My favorite aspect of Open House is meeting these talented individuals in person. It's gratifying to put faces to names and witness all the enthusiasm in the room.”

Dr. cade speaking with a table of open house guests
DPT Division Chief Todd Cade, PT, PhD, FAPTA, talking with prospective students and guests

A discussion and Q&A with faculty allowed prospective students to hear directly from the group, which will shape their learning experience on the way to becoming DPTs. Topics included:

  • Clinical opportunities for students
  • How the program is connected to the vast Duke medical community
  • Growing opportunities for those interested in entrepreneurship
  • The different career paths available to graduates

Scholarship Committee Chair Laura Pietrosimone, PT, DPT, PhD, gave an overview of the award opportunities for incoming students and what they are eligible to apply for during the three years of the program. She also discussed paid graduate assistant positions within the DPT program available to students and other roles that students commonly pursue at Duke and in the local community.

Another session featured a student panel that discussed life in the program, social life outside of it, and the advantages of a large cohort relative to other schools.

Students also shared:

  • Why did they choose Duke over other options
  • How Duke lets you explore your interests in physical therapy and beyond
  • An inside look at what their day looks like as a student in the program
  • Resource at Duke to support students during stressful times.
students posing for a photo behind the open house welcome table
Current students welcoming guests as they arrive

Small groups split off to tour the IPE building, guided by current students who provided a first-hand look at how the facility complements students’ learning in the program.

Some guests concluded their visit by joining the optional tour of the DPT space at Erwin Square Plaza, about a half mile from the IPE building. Erwin houses additional classrooms and simulates clinical spaces shared by the DPT and Occupational Therapy Doctorate programs.

guests look on as a Duke DPT faculty member gives a tour of a rehab space
A stop along the tour of the Erwin Square Plaza space

I hope our future students left Open House with a clearer understanding of the program and the resources available to aid their success,” Admissions Officer Rose Woods said. “I also hope they felt welcomed by the Duke DPT community and excited about the next season in their journey to becoming physical therapists.”

“As you go through, don’t let anybody discourage you,” second-year student Annabelle Frantz told the prospective students. “You can do it.”
