EDI Spotlight: Dorothy Gheorghiu


Growing up in the rural South, third-year Duke medical student Dorothy Gheorghiu was often the only Jewish person in her school, her neighborhood, and other settings. These experiences made her keenly aware of the importance of inclusion and belonging, and she was grateful to find a welcoming community when she came first came to Duke as an undergrad.

In this month’s EDI Spotlight, Gheorghiu shares how as president of Duke’s Jewish Medical Student Association, she is helping other Jewish students enjoy that same sense of community and belonging. She also reveals what brings her joy outside of medical school, from cuddling with her dog, Frodo, to cheering on the Blue Devils at Duke basketball games.

Why did you choose to come to Duke for medical school?

I have actually been at Duke for a long time! I started at Duke as an undergraduate in 2017 and took a gap year to work in gene therapy before matriculating. I chose Duke Med for a lot of the same reasons I chose Duke undergrad – it is an extremely well-rounded school. Students engage in rigorous academic endeavors, work on exciting research, and still have the opportunity to cheer on some of the best athletes in the nation (hello, basketball).

Given its rich history of spiritual studies, Duke also hosts a broad range of religious and cultural centers on campus, including the Jewish community which has been my home for the last eight years. Jewish Life at Duke and Chabad create a sense of warmth and belonging for Jewish students, and because of this, have both played an integral role in my initial decision to come to Duke and to stay for medical school. From a Kosher food truck on campus (Yalla!) to annual menorah lightings with the head coach of Duke Men’s Basketball, Duke makes a concerted effort to ensure Jewish students feel supported.

You are currently president of a new student group at Duke, the Jewish Medical Student Association (JMSA). When and how did the organization start at Duke? 

The Jewish Medical Student Association (JMSA) re-established at Duke Med in February 2024, almost one year ago. JMSA previously existed at Duke Med as far back as 1999 under the name The Maimonides Society. The organization worked closely with the Freeman Center for Jewish Life to host events and hold their own graduation ceremony. Amidst a particularly tumultuous and uncertain time for the Jewish community worldwide, I felt that it was important to provide a safe place for Jewish students to come together and uplift each other. My aim is to increase visibility and provide opportunities for non-Jewish students to learn about Jewish cultural practices, beliefs, and traditions, as this is a powerful way to demystify our very small population and work proactively against antisemitism. This was a common sentiment, and I am very grateful for the friendship, partnership, and shared goals that we nurtured along this journey to create JMSA anew.

What types of services and support does JMSA offer? What does the organization have planned for the rest of the semester? 

JMSA offers many cultural events and educational opportunities, including Shabbat dinners, holiday observances, speaker panels, and connections to the broader Jewish community both at Duke and in the Triangle area. This semester, we have a lot of exciting things planned! We are having a Shabbat dinner in January, then a panel event in collaboration with the Christian Medical and Dental Association on end-of-life care with Rabbi Elana Friedman and Dr. Farr Curlin. Later in the spring, we will be hosting a meet-and-greet for medical students and physicians at Duke Health sponsored by Chabad. We also introduced our Big/Little program this year to facilitate mentorship between class years, and we are excited to watch it grow. Finally, we are working to build a strong service component to our organization. For the spring, we will work with Jewish For Good to give back to the Triangle community.

Have you always had an interest in work related to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI)? If so, what inspired you to focus on this kind of work? 

Equity, diversity, and inclusion have been very important to me for as long as I can remember. Jews make up only 0.2% of the global population. I grew up in a small town in the rural South, often as the only Jew that most people knew – whether that was in my school, neighborhood, or extracurricular activities. I spent a lot of time explaining my identity, cultural practices, and beliefs to those around me, and had the additional pressure of being their only representative of the Jewish people. For many members of the Jewish community, being part of such a small group that is often misunderstood produces an innate awareness of the importance of EDI. Specifically, EDI highlights how visibility, representation, and mutual respect are formidable tools that can be used to create a culture of inclusion and understanding.

I experienced belonging to a larger Jewish community for the first time as a Duke undergraduate, as Duke’s undergraduate population is around 12% Jewish. The community was invaluable as it offered a space to share upbringings, traditions, and even to commiserate with one another. I am lucky in that this campus has continued to embrace us and offer support despite the decidedly smaller population of Jewish graduate students. It is my hope that JMSA can serve as a partner in building upon a foundation of cultural competence, acceptance, and representation for minoritized groups at Duke Med.

What do you hope to do after medical school?

After medical school, I hope to attend an excellent residency program to continue my medical education as I decide what specialty to pursue. It is my goal to continue working towards opportunities for Jewish trainees and physicians to cultivate strong, supportive communities who contribute positively to their home institutions. I aim to amplify Jewish voices in health care and academia and to help those who share similar goals wield their own voices effectively.

What passions or hobbies do you have outside of medical school?

Outside of medicine, I love cuddling with my precious pup (Frodo), reading, painting, and playing the harp. At Duke, you will often find me cheering for the Blue Devils at basketball games or enjoying a walk around East Campus. I also enjoy going to as many Jewish events across the Triangle as I can find (surprise, surprise) – through these events, I have kindled many beautiful and fulfilling friendships. I find that if I am feeling untethered by the stress of exams, rotations, or classes, I can always rely on my tribe to bring me home.
