Duke Occupational Therapy Faculty Take the Lead in Mental Health Justice


Duke Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) division faculty members MaryBeth Gallagher, PhD, and Antoine Bailliard, PhD, have launched an innovative community-based mental health non-profit. The Center for Community Connection (C4CC), led by executive director Darren Peters, an occupational therapist, will promote well-being, mental health equity, and occupational justice by enhancing participation in meaningful activities and cultivating human social connection. 
In close collaboration with community stakeholders, C4CC will use a multilevel approach to address mental health. C4CC will be led by trauma-focused occupational therapists and supported by a comprehensive multidisciplinary team to offer assessments, psychosocial therapies, and nutrition services, piloting in Chatham, Durham, and Wake Counties. As a partner of Duke OTD, C4CC will support occupational therapy students' learning about community mental health through fieldwork placements and capstone opportunities. Ultimately, C4CC aims to create supportive community-based networks that uplift individuals facing mental health challenges and promote social connection, belonging, and accessible, equitable mental health care. 

Learn more.
