Duke University School of Medicine has launched a new one-year professional master’s degree program, the Master of Biomedical Sciences (MBS).
The program prepares students to be highly competitive candidates for medical schools, related health professions, and other biomedical careers. The curriculum integrates graduate level human biological sciences with skill development in critical thinking, communication, and teamwork.
What’s unique about Duke’s MBS Program?
- Located within the Duke University School of Medicine in the heart of a major academic medical center
- Graduate coursework in the human biological sciences including gross anatomy with dissection
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training, certification, and experience
- Team-based learning and experiential activities
- Small group seminars to address communication, team work, ethics, professional identity
- Instruction, advising, and mentoring by faculty leaders
- Individualized learning plan with elective options
Applicants seeking admission to the Master of Biomedical Sciences program should submit the online pre-application form (see attachments, below). Or you can also visit medschool.duke.edu/mbs.