The Wake Forest Center for Biomedical Informatics will host
A Future Vision of a Perfect Health System
Monday, August 14, 2023
12:00 -1:00 pm
Contact WFBMI@wakehealth.edu for WebEx Details
Bio: Dr. Ed Hammond has provided vision and leadership in most aspects of health informatics for over fifty years. He has been engaged in AMIA, ACMI, IMIA, HL7 International, ISO TC 215, JIC, IEEE, ACM, PAHO, IADB, and various US Government activities over the years. His current research is in data visualization; realizing interoperability using HL7 FHIR®, SMART®, and CDS Hooks; app development; domain analysis modeling, registries, EHRs, databases, human metrics, and common data elements. He is also committed to the concept of learning health as the primary way in which we can most effectively increase the quality and performance of health care. He is interested in closing the gap between clinical care and clinical research, the impact of climate change on health, and introducing diversity, equity, and inclusion into the healthcare process. He leads a think tank effort to define the perfect health system. He was PI on a just-completed NCATS grant to automate and digitize the entire process in support of a single IRB for multiple site IRBs using HL7 FHIR.
Abstract: The current health system has become a disaster. All participants – patients, professionals, administrators, payers, and federal agencies are unhappy and frustrated. Costs are too high. The U.S. is last in almost every category of the top developed countries in the world. What health means is changing. While technology has increased exponentially, our use of that technology is almost flat. The EHR is a failure. We speak different languages challenging interoperability and data liquidity. Tradition methods of delivering healthcare are appropriately being challenged. The costs of maintaining large healthcare buildings have become too expensive, and virtual care is becoming a more effective manner of delivering care. Minorities have unacceptable poorer outcomes than whites. New data types such as genetics, behavior, social, economic, and environmental are challenging current health professionals to collect and use this data for decision-making and proper treatment. Digital health with mobile devices and wearables is changing the place and time of discovery of new person pending problems. The use of new Artificial Intelligence such as GPT-4 will change the role between humans and computers. This presentation will present some thoughts from a think tank project at Duke Medical Center called Galileo.