OBGE is pleased to announce the pilot phase of a new student professional development opportunity, the OBGE Administrative Fellowship.
The 2021 inaugural OBGE Administrative Fellow is Calla Telzrow, a 5th year MGM student in Dr. Andy Alspaugh’s lab. Calla is undertaking a 6-month fellowship during which she will focus on two projects: 1) establishing a peer mentoring resource for SOM PhD students and 2) development of BIOTRAIN 701, a new Professionalism Course offered centrally to first year SOM PhD students in Fall 2021.
Calla’s research is focused on the fungal stress responses and virulence in Cryptococcus neoformans. She is also interested in undergraduate and graduate education and is currently enrolled in the Certificate in College Teaching program.
Stay tuned for more information on resources under development in OBGE as part of Calla’s work and for a future call for applications for the Administrative Fellowship once the pilot phase is completed.