Nominations of candidates for Distinguished Professorships are due before 11:59 PM on Monday, August 15.
The School of Medicine’s Distinguished Professor Committee (DPC) invites nominations of candidates for Distinguished Professorships. Deadline for Nominations: August 15, 2022.
Nominations are for appointments that will become effective on or after July 1, 2023. Nominations must be kept strictly confidential and candidates should not be aware that they are being nominated.
Eligibility: Nominees must be full time, regular rank, tenured full Professors, or external candidates who have been approved for appointment to the faculty as tenured full Professors. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Evaluation Process: The DPC is made up of senior faculty members who already hold Distinguished Professorships. It will meet in late fall to evaluate nominees and make recommendations to the Dean of the School of Medicine. All deliberations are confidential.
The number of tenured, full professors far exceeds the number of Distinguished Professorships. To be considered, nominees should have made a substantial contribution to advancing knowledge in their field, and should be recognized as a national leader by colleagues at peer institutions. The distinctive contributions of the nominee should be clearly stated in the nomination materials.
A complete nomination for a named school chair includes the following components:
Candidate’s Field
A description, as precise as possible, of the candidate's field, including both a definition (it is important that the field not be too narrowly defined) and an explanation of the importance of this field. It is also helpful to note significant interdisciplinary contributions.
Candidate’s Impact
A clear and detailed account of the candidate's impact on his or her field of scholarship, most significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge, and career achievements which distinguish the candidate from their peers. The contributions should be clearly associated with the candidate, and this association should be widely recognized by experts in the field. Although it is difficult in some fields to single out an individual’s unique contribution, this is an extremely important criterion for consideration as a Distinguished Professor.
A list of eight to ten referees from outside Duke, with specific contact information including a current email address, affiliation and title. The referees should have had no collaborative or mentor/mentee relationship with the nominee for the past twelve years. Reviewers must be experts in their field and have sufficiently broad perspective to be able to evaluate the nominee in the context of the overall discipline. Please note: Referees should themselves be Distinguished Professors at peer research universities and /or be members of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Medicine, American Academy of Arts and Sciences or other prestigious professional societies. The Committee requests that only contact information be provided; no letters from referees should be solicited by the department. Contact with evaluators is to be made solely by the Committee.
Candidate’s CV
A current curriculum vitae in standard academic format that includes trainees mentored and a full list of references.
Statement of Support
A brief letter of support from the candidate’s department chair.
To submit a nomination, visit http://bit.ly/myresearchproposal and log in if you already have an account or select “Create New User.” Enter access code “SOM” and select the “Distinguished Professorship Nominations 2022” application and follow the instructions. For system questions, contact myresearchproposal@duke.edu. For process questions, contact Valerie Smith at valerie.smith@duke.edu. Deadline for Nominations is 11:59 pm August 15, 2022.