"The Best of Enemies" - Moderated Discussion
Monday, February 27, 9:00-10:30am, Dean’s Suite Room 119
Space is limited! Registration required.
Discussion co-led by:
- Jeffrey Baker, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and History, Director of the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History
- Bill Riddick, M.Ed, Co-Founder and Dean of The North Carolina Governor’s Academy for Prevention Professionals (GAPP), President of Skills Management Group, Inc., and organizer and leader of the 1971 Durham charrette featured in The Best of Enemies
Session details: Faculty are invited to register for a discussion of The Best of Enemies: Race and Redemption in the New South by Osha Gray Davidson. This book examines the complex interplay of race and social class in Durham. It tells the story of Durham’s history through two individuals, one a civil rights activist and the other a Klan leader, who against all odds came to recognize their commonalities and become friends. The book club is a follow up to Dr. Baker’s recent lecture on the History of Duke and Durham, which was recorded and is available online. You do not need to have attended the lecture to sign up for the book club, but we do ask that you read the book and come prepared to discuss. Bill Riddick is a featured prominently in the book (and the movie by the same name) as the organizer and facilitator of the 1971 Durham charrette, a series of forums that brought together a diverse community to focus on conflict around integration in the public schools.
Questions? email facdev@duke.edu