Registration is now open for the Duke DPT 19th Annual 5K! The event brings the community together and raises funds for a terrific cause. This year's race will occur on April 13 at 10:00 a.m. on the Duke East Campus Loop. The race is open to all runners, joggers, and walkers, so grab a friend and sign up today! Register by March 21 to GUARANTEE your race t-shirt!
Q: Is this a fundraising event?
A: Yes! All race proceeds go towards the VCU-Marquette Challenge, which supports and funds Physical Therapy research.
Q: Are there any new aspects of the race this year?
A: Yes! This year's race has a little ~twist~ from last year's event.
You can now sign up in a TEAM for the race to add a little more friendly competition. Teams can be between 5-10 people (minimum of 5) and additional/ bigger prizes will be given for winning teams. Winning teams will be decided based on the sum of the TOP 5 finisher’s places that they finish in (similar to cross-country scoring rules). If you are participating on a team, please add your team name and members to this Google sheet.
If you would like to run the race individually, that is also a great option!
Q: Will there be prizes?
A: Of course!! Prizes will be given to winning teams, individual top finishers, and raffle winners. Prizes include everything from Duke swag to rock climbing memberships to Fleet Feet gift cards and more!
Q: How do I register for the race?
A: This is a four-step process this year:
- Fill out this Google form to register for the race!
- Load money onto your Flex account. The eAccounts App makes this process simple or can be done online.
- Log into your Duke account via the eAccounts app or through the desktop page
- Click “EACCOUNTS” login link
- Select your Flex account and click “Add Money"
- Load $30 into your account through Apple Pay/credit/debit
- Confirm your Flex account total has been updated (Once you have loaded your FLEX money, follow the remaining steps below.) - Follow this link to our race website to make your $30 donation. Your $30 donation covers the race shirt and registration for the race.
- Email Terry and Jordyn a screenshot confirmation of the donation to confirm registration.
Please ensure you fully complete all four steps to ensure your t-shirt and registration for race day!
Q: How do I know if I am registered?
A: Did you:
- Complete the google form
- Load $30 onto the Duke Flex money account
- Make your $30 donation to the Duke DPT Duke Card page
- Email Terry and Jordyn a screenshot of the confirmation page for the donation
Congrats, you’re registered for race day!
Q: I know someone who wants to participate in the race but is not a Duke student or faculty member. Can they participate in the race?
A: Yes. The process is slightly different this year. If you are interested in the 5k but do not have access to a Duke login to use Flex money, there are two options for payment.
- Donate with someone else's student account using the method listed above that covers you both as racers ($30 per participant; If you use this option, please describe within your screenshot confirmation email the name of who you paid for).
- Pay with cash on the day of the race. (This is only an option for non-Duke students or faculty; please complete the Google form). – If you can do option 1, please do so. This option should be used as a last resort.
**Everyone planning to participate in race day should complete their own Google form.
We understand that signing up is a lengthy process, so if you have any additional questions, please email Jordyn Parks and Terry Brown. We cannot wait to continue this annual tradition and to see you all on race day!