Nuestra Comunidad en las Noticias

Esta colección de historias muestra el trabajo transformador que nuestros empleados latiné/hispanos de Duke están haciendo en sus vidas profesionales y dentro de nuestras comunidades. Envíenos sus historias.

Sarah Quesada Receives MLA 2023 Honorable Mention for First Book

Sarah Quesada, Andrew W. Mellon Assistant Professor of Romance Studies and Assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies is the recipient of a 2023 Honorable Mention for a First Book from The Modern Language Association of America (MLA).

Hispanic House of Studies Celebrates Quinceañera

This October, Duke Divinity School celebrated the 15th anniversary, the quinceañera, of the founding of the Hispanic House of Studies with a series of events on Oct. 12, including a panel discussion, worship, lecture, and a documentary and art exhibit featuring renowned artist Enrique Chiu.

Game Design at Duke is More Than Meets the Eye

Ernesto Escobar, executive director of Duke’s new Master of Engineering in Game Design, Development & Innovation, attributes learning English to playing video games and forcing himself to figure out what was going on.