Comparing PA Programs: A Spreadsheet

It’s that time of year again; the CASPA application opens at the end of this month!

Last week was the annual North Carolina Health Professions Fair Week. We visited seven schools across the state, from Wilmington to Boone, and many places in between. One thing we heard from quite a few students was how helpful our school comparison spreadsheet is in their planning.

Every PA program has slightly different requirements, as well as different costs, locations, and amenities. It’s hard to keep up!

I’m Visiting Durham: What Should I Do?

Durham is a city with a lot to offer. Whether you are a prospective applicant checking out the area for the first time or an incoming student in town to look for housing, there is plenty to do and see (and eat!) while you’re here.

Path to PA: Write Your Own Mission Statement

We talk a lot about considering each program’s mission statement, philosophies, and values when choosing where you want to submit applications. However, we have only touched on writing your personal mission statement to guide you as you apply to Physician Assistant (PA) programs.

The new year, when you are already thinking about your goals, is a great time to put that idea into practice.

Gift Ideas for PA Applicants and Students

‘Tis the time of year for buying gifts. Whether you are shopping for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, or just out of a vague need to participate in the holiday season, you might find yourself wondering what to give the PA student in your life.

We asked our students to tell us what gifts they would like and what would have been great before matriculating into PA school.

What Does 'Holistic Admissions' Really Mean?

If you have spent time applying or planning to apply to college or graduate school, you have probably come across the phrase “holistic admissions process.”

But what does “holistic admissions” really mean?

Schools that look at applicants holistically look at the whole person, not just their grades and scores.

Choose Your References Wisely

One step along the path to PA school is to choose who you will ask to be a reference for your application. For some, this is one of the more daunting parts of the process, as you select the people you think will give you the most powerful recommendations and then actually ask them!