Assessment and Evaluation

The Duke School of Medicine Assessment and Evaluation team is the institutional research arm of Duke School of Medicine. Our mission is to provide on-going analysis and research on Duke's medical school curriculum, courses, departments and programs in efforts to improve student learning at Duke.

In addition, we serve as a resource for departments and faculty. Areas of investigation include, but are not limited to:

  • course evaluations,
  • curricular requirements,
  • academic performance,
  • academic advising,
  • program and department level assessment, and
  • assessment of student learning outcomes

The office works collaboratively with other offices and constituencies to address questions raised by students, faculty, and administrators. This collaboration involves development of project goals, measuring instruments (such as on-line surveys and focus groups), statistical analysis, and reporting mechanisms.


To measure and evaluate student learning and development, Assessment and Evaluation administers several instruments on a regular basis.  These include but are not limited to the following:

  • End of Course Surveys
  • End of Year Surveys
  • EPA

Reporting Assessment Results

Please review  Policy on Assessment Data Dissemination


Our office does not regularly disseminate students’ admissions biodemographic, enrollment, or grade information. If you are developing an assessment plan or project that would be enhanced through the integration of student data, please contact Dr. Deborah Engle to schedule an appointment to discuss your assessment objectives. Alternatively, if you have an immediate need for student information please consult the School of Medicine’s policy regarding data requests.


Part of our mission is to provide students timely results to assessments.  If you have any questions about the assessment experience, please contact Dr. Deborah Engle.

Assessment and Evaluation Tableau Dashboards

The following dashboards have been created by the Assessment and Evaluation team within the Office of Curricular Affairs to provide easily-accessible data to our various stakeholders. Access to a particular dashboard requires that you log in using your NetID and password, as well as multi-factor authentication.  Additionally, you must be granted access by the Assessment and Evaluation team.  If you do not have access to a particular dashboard, and believe that you should, please contact Joe Cawley.

  • Lecturer Evaluations Admin Report - This dashboard provides summary and detailed reports of faculty who lecture in first-year basic science courses.
  • Clinical Correlation, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Application Admin Report - This dashboard provides summary and detailed reports of first-year clinical correlations, clinical reasoning sessions, and clinical application sessions.
  • Team-Based Event Admin Report - This dashboard provides summary and detailed reports for first-year TBEs.
  • Diagnostic Reasoning Admin Report - This dashboard provides summary and detailed reports for first-year diagnostic reasoning sessions.
  • Case Discussion Admin Report (forthcoming) - This dashboard provides summary and detailed reports for first-year case discussions.
  • Lab Instructor Admin Report - This dashboard provides summary and detailed reports of faculty who serve as lab instructors in first-year basic science courses.
  • MS2024 Attendance Admin Report (forthcoming) - This dashboard provides summary and detailed reports for class of 2024 attendance.
  • MS2023 Attendance Admin Report - This dashboard provides summary and detailed reports for class of 2023 attendance.